I reached a milestone this week with my recovery. I woke up at 5:30 am, grabbed my walker which was by the bed and made the all familiar trek to the bathroom. I decided it was a little too early to get up so I laid back down for 30 more minutes. When I sat up on the side of the bed to grab my walker it wasn’t there. I’m feeling around in the dark wondering where in the world my walker is, and then it hit me. I got up and hobbled to the hallway unassisted. There sat my walker, right by the bathroom door. I had walked back to bed without my walker and didn’t even realize it! Mind you: I’m only 4 weeks out from surgery. Yes! I am improving.
Small improvements can go unnoticed in light of the overall goals we want to accomplish, but small improvements get us there.
Lying in the hospital suffering the pain of surgery I wondered if my life would ever be normal again. After all, I don’t have my real knee anymore. The pain is so bad I don’t want to move the new one.
Where was the Lord taking me?
Did I have what it takes to even start any changes?
When we’re weak, tired, in pain, emotionally distraught or discouraged the enemy comes in to mock us and tell us, “You’re a failure. You can’t get through this. Things will never look up for you again.” And the devil’s words ring true. After all, I failed before.
I quit that project too soon.
I left that job when I should have stayed.
My marriage failed.
My kids are a train wreck waiting to happen.
I’m not a good mother.
I’m not a good wife.
And on, and on, and on that downward spiral takes us into the despair the devil loves to see. He laughs; Jesus weeps.
Jesus wants us to replace the words of the devil with His promises. Jesus wants us to believe Him above every other voice; even our own. Jesus wants us to remember that we are in Him and in Him all the promises are “Yes, and Amen!” All the promises of God are true. The devil is a liar and the father of lies. So shut down that “failure” voice and rise up new today in the promises of God.
“The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly” John 10:10. (KJV)
Remember, the race doesn’t always go the swift. Our race goes to the steady. God’s word will help us stay on track.
So this week if you’re drinking more water today, you’ve reached a milestone. If you’ve spent more time in the Bible, you’ve reached a milestone. If you’ve come to God in prayer with a willing heart for Him to change, you’ve reached a milestone. And I’m pleased with you; Jesus is pleased with you. Keep it up! Remember, we’re in this thing together. Share your journey this week with us. You can do that in the comment section below. We’d love to hear from you.
Let’s summarize where we are so far:
Week 1 Goals:
Body: Add water. Sip it all day long and drink one full (8 oz.) glass before each meal.
Mind: Start Bible study in Exodus.
Spirit: Come to God with a willing heart.
Continue these goals as we move in to our new goals for this week. ALWAYS REMEMBER: Small steps over time build healthy habits for life: Body, Mind, and Spirit.
So keep up the Good Work!
Week 2 Goals:
Goal for our Body: Are you aware of what exactly is in the food we eat? Read labels on every item you eat that has a label. You’ll be surprised!
Breathe. Sometimes stress makes us crave things we shouldn’t. Learning to de-stress through proper breathing can help relieve those moments when we feel out of control.
Rhea shared this link to a short video to demonstrate breathing:
Lastly, find some easy Yoga or stretching exercises and try to do these 1-2 times each week.
Word from Rhea Pollard:
“What did you do today to reach your goals? Did you waste the day complaining about how you aren’t there yet, or did you do something small, but big enough, that if you did it every day for a year you’d be much closer to, if not already at, your goal? Choose
the last!”
Goal for our Mind: Bible Study
So last week we learned that God heard the cry of His people who were under bondage in Egypt. The land that had promised them affluence and abundance had changed and was now a place of affliction, sorrow, and hardship. The new Pharaoh didn’t know the great leader, Joseph, nor did this Pharaoh care about Joseph’s people. Because the Israelites had increased so much He was afraid they could take over his rule. Moses was God’s man. God protected Moses and so moved in the circumstances that Moses ended up living in Pharaoh’s house raised by Pharaoh’s daughter. But the man Moses remembered he was a Hebrew and he bonded with his people. Moses made a mistake and had to flee for his life to a wilderness area where he raised and cared for sheep some 40 years. As we’ll see in our study this week, Moses had a hard time believing that God could use him. He had failed. He didn’t feel worthy. He held on to guilt and shame. But God showed Moses he could not fail since God was with him.
Pray for understanding then read Exodus Chapters 3 & 4
Let’s take a look at Moses responses to God calling.
First, read Ex. 3:11. Moses basically said “I’m not worthy.” Still God chose him. Do you feel unworthy? Do you have a poor self-image? Don’t disregard God’s love for you. He created you in His image. He loves you no matter what you’ve done, or how you’ve failed. Jesus came and died for you. You may not feel worthy, but that’s not the point, God chose you. The devil tries to reduce your self-image to the point of paralyzing you so that you won’t move forward. Remember he’s the liar, the accuser who reminds us and tries to remind God of all our failures. We need to stop his voice with the voice of God’s word.
“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” I John s 1:9 (KJV).
God overrules anything the devil says. Moses may have thought, “I’m just a shepherd,” but God used him. And He can use you.
Moses felt unworthy of the calling God laid out for him. Have you ever felt this way? Read Jeremiah 1:5 and Psalm 139:16. What do these verses tell us about God’s plans for us?
Read Ex. 3:13. Moses wanted to know who was sending him back to Egypt. How well do you know God? Ignorance about the one who calls us and the calling He calls us to inhibits our moving forward in our journey to wholeness. The more we read the Bible the better we’ll know and trust Him. We need to abide with Him. Turn and read John 15:1-17.
Read Ex. 4:3: Moses displayed fear. So what are you afraid of? Failure. Pain. Guilt. Shame. Fear can cause us to doubt even the all-knowing, all-loving God. Take a moment and look through the verses again and note the different ways God assured Moses.
God would be with Moses (3:12).
God would perform miracles and wonders (3:20, 4:3-5).
God would give Moses the words to speak (4:10-12).
Someone said “Fear is unbelief parading in disguise”
“The Lord is on my side I will not fear what man shall do to me” Psalm 118:6 (KJV).
“The fear of man bringeth a snare, but whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe” Proverbs 29:25 (KJV).
Goal for our Spirit:
Moses killed an Egyptian just before he fled Egypt. I can picture him in the wilderness night after night consumed with feelings of guilt. The devil will torment us with our past. If God forgives us, who are we to say we won’t forgive ourselves?
I don’t know about you but I find I’m more compassionate and forgiving with others than I am with myself.
I placed HIGH expectations on myself. After all, I AM Super-Woman: able to work full-time, mother full-time, clean full-time, heal all sicknesses, feed all hunger, meet every need, and be able to leap tall buildings in a single bound.
Why? Because it’s just not real-life. I AM only one person. And Sweet Friend, so are you. Don’t place unrealistic expectations on your shoulders. You are not made to bear the weight of all your and your family’s needs, wants and desires. You can’t fix every problem and meet every need, so just roll all that care right over onto the shoulders of Jesus. He can bear the weight of the world; He can bear our burdens.
For our spirit this week and moving forward, be compassionate and forgiving to ourselves. Lay aside any ideas of perfectionism and relax, just as God was with Moses, He is with us. Jesus has our back.
(Small steps in action: Here I am ready for my first trip back to church! So excited! Making Strides!)