My Expectation is from you candle

On the night Jesus was born Israel had waited in expectation for their coming Messiah for centuries. Held under bondage to Rome and by the decree from a foreign ruler Mary and Joseph made their way to Bethlehem to register for tax purposes. Mary knew who resided in her womb; Joseph did, too. What they didn’t know was how their life, His life, would play out in the years to come. On the night Jesus was born, His earthly parents had no place to stay. They were given permission to sleep in a barn, a stable. There in that dirty, smelly place where animals wereRead More →

“The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged” Deut. 31:8 NIV. We experienced a special event in the heavens on August 21, 2017. There was a total eclipse of the sun. This eclipse was visible near my home on the east coast of the United States. Many family and friends gathered together and made an afternoon of sun-watching, each wearing a pair of NASA-approved sunglasses. These events are rare, but we do experience them from time to time. I remember as a young child in 1970, I could watch from the window as the sun fell intoRead More →

I am pleased to feature a guest post by Christian author and speaker, John Hambrick. Thank you for sharing this timely message. To read more about John, be sure to check out his website. Jesus Trumps Washington by John Hambrick There are a thousand different ways to move toward the mess because there are a thousand different ways that spiritual, moral, and physical chaos impact our lives. The mess that is currently on our country’s front burner is in our nation’s capitol. The inauguration of Donald Trump, 45th President of the United States, has ushered in an era of polarization not seen for generations. Political commentators sayRead More →

Praying this morning for our new president, Donald Trump, and for the Congress. Pray they work together to make America a better place for all American. United We Stand, Divided We Fall. There is no division by ethnicity on the battlefield. WE ARE AMERICANS! Let’s all stand TOGETHER for our fundamental freedoms and rights: The right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.Read More →