“Be still and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10) Looking through a local antique shop called The Kaleidoscope I lovingly beheld objects that were identical to those that had decorated my grandmother’s home years ago. As I rummaged through antiquated styles and fads I began to reminisce about different friends and loved ones whom I miss. Oh, how things change! Do you ever think about that? Change, I mean. Everything in life changes. Our children grow up and leave home. We grow older. Jobs change. People move here and there, coming and going. Children are born. Loved ones die. Nothing seems certain. Everything isRead More →

My father-in-law jokingly said, “If I’d known I would live this long I would have taken better care of myself.” With aging comes its effects. Response time slows. Minor lapses in short term memory. Our bodies just don’t do what our minds want them to do. But it’s a shock when you haven’t hit your 50’s and you notice these changes. I woke up one morning to discover that I could not lift my leg high enough to put on my socks. I’m too young for this! There must be something wrong. After many doctors’ visits’, I found out I was right. I was diagnosedRead More →

Jealousy, envy, strife ruled the Jacob household for years. Two sisters at odds with one another because they couldn’t have what the other had; Leah wanted Jacob’s love, Rachel wanted his children. Whenever I fall into the mindset of comparing myself with others one of two things happen: I am either never good enough, or I am too good in my own eyes. Either way, the Bible tells us in 2Cor. 10:12 it is not wise to compare ourselves. This leads to frustration, resentment and, yes, sometimes pride. Weekly Assignment Part 2: Read Chapter 11, then Comment on my blog how God has spoken toRead More →

That’s what Rachel said to her husband, Jacob. But Jacob had no control over the barrenness of her womb, that was God’s call. So Jacob was torn between two wives: Rachel and her sister, Leah. These two women battled for years, both vying for her husband’s attention in hopes of winning his love (Genesis 29-30). Rachel’s heart broke every time Leah birthed a son, 1 – 2 – 3 -4, until she arranges herRead More →

He speaks with a still, small voice. He speaks through circumstances. He speaks through others. He speaks through his word. He speaks loud and clear. How is he speaking to you today? What is he saying to you through Chapter 9 of Let.It.God? Weekly Assignment part 3: Read the following scripture verses and record your thoughts in your notebook: Psalm 103:1-2 Psalm 116:7-8 Psalm 130:5 Psalm 143:8  Read More →