When I first began my journey in early education as an assistant preschool teacher, I was given the responsibility of sharing the Bible story each week with our four-year-olds. I looked for something I could use to read to the children that would help them understand the Bible lesson I was teaching. I came across The Beginner’s Bible at my local Christian book store and I was sold. I still use it periodically between other interactive lessons. My preschoolers love gathering around as I show them the pictures and explain the characters.
I was thrilled to learn ZonderKidz has updated this timeless book. As I read through the new version, I was impressed with the spirited and welcoming depictions of its characters in the colorful illustrations. It gives a wonderful overview of God’s message in a way that is both entertaining and scriptural. As my go-to source for teaching young minds God’s word, it contains more than 90 Bible stories for children 6 and under.

If you are looking for the right Christmas gift for the children in your life, The Beginner’s Bible would make a cherished keepsake for them to enjoy. The Beginner’s Bible features a sturdy construction, a downloadable online app which includes stories, games and audio for more interaction. I love the dictionary in the back which defines complex christianese to help the children’s comprehension.
God has promised His word would grow and flourish wherever it is sown. I’m thankful for this engaging book which helps me sow His word in young hearts and minds. I feel blessed and honored to share with children God’s message of redemption. I trust Him for the outcome in their lives.
If you would like to WIN a copy of this timeless book, please subscribe for updates by entering your e-mail address in the Subscribe Now link to the right of this review. Then, enter a comment in the space provided below. A winner will be picked at random on December 20th from all subscribers who comment.Thank you, and Merry Christmas!

For more December Giveaways, check out my last review of the Brick Builders Illustrated Bible here.
Looks like a great one for preschool age.
I’m a new subscriber! dmatthews38751@yahoo.com
I remember this Bible from when I was a kid! I think it is timeless! 😊