I read a quote back some 20 years ago. It said, “When we have words to describe our deepest pain; we discover there is a deeper pain that eludes words.” Sometimes words never reach the brokenness we feel inside. So what do we do with our pain? I received an advanced copy of Ann Voskamp’s new book, The Broken Way: A Daring Path into the Abundant Life (Zondervan), set to be released on October 25, 2016. In it she describes an “unspoken broken” as a pain too deep you don’t dare to utter. Ann Voskamp packs a powerful message of hope through brokenness. The openingRead More →

​Take a close look at the strange oppositions you’ve faced. They could reveal clues to your purpose. I was devastated the day a neighborhood boy threw mud in my face. I couldn’t understand why. I was playing hopscotch on the sidewalk in front of my home when he approached me with his disabled cousin. She had a prosthetic leg, but I encouraged her to play with me. “You don’t have to be perfect,” I told her, “just do your best.” I could tell she liked that idea and really wanted to try. Then the mud hit me covering my right eye, entering my nose andRead More →

Someone once said life is a journey. From this statement you may picture long and winding trails, walking sticks, running along sandy beaches or racing down highways in a shiny sports car. But what do you do when your journey deviated from your picture-perfect path and takes you on a theme park ride? High hills. Jerky turns. Sudden drops. Yes, life can turn into a roller coaster leaving you asking, “What good is this doing me, Lord?” I’m up one minute. I’m down the next. Scared. Out of breath. Facing this wild ride alone. “How am I going to handle this, Lord? Won’t you pleaseRead More →

“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves,” Philippians 2:3 (NIV). Sitting in our favorite breakfast café, our conversation hit a lull so I seized the opportunity and reached for my Smartphone. While my husband momentarily focused on his pancakes I focused on my social media. I was anxious to scroll through the posts of each new participant in my Proverbs 31 Online Bible Study small Facebook group. The group was firing up for a new study and I was anxious to get to know every one of them. Engrossed in the posts I barely heard my husbandRead More →