Overcoming Fear ~ Carla Pollard

Week 2: Victors Over Fear

Wow, I am so thankful for God’s Word!

In the Bible, God gives us examples not only of what to do, but of what not to do in life. In God’s wisdom, He encourages us to choose the path that leads to success by showing us the good steps, and the missteps others have made before us. We understand from this contrast that when we allow our steps to be guided by His Word and His Spirit we can live victorious, godly and purpose-filled lives.verse map Josh 1.9

We had an interesting week following the path that led the Israelites and King Saul to failure. What a sad journey! Each one lost out with God in a big way when their steps of unbelief, doubt and fear led them to wrong actions and failure.

We’ve learned what steps NOT to take: steps of unbelief, doubt, fear, wrong actions and failure. (I hope you’re taking notes or keeping a journal so you can capture the precepts you’re learning and use them as you make decisions in your every-day life.)

This week, we’ll learn what steps we can take to help us gain victory over fear. We’ll read the accounts of some biblical examples of victors who overcame their fears and see how God led them to a successful destiny. Our path to success begins when we believe God and move in faith on His promises; it continues as we face our difficulties and fears with courage. It flourishes as we take the right action-steps toward fulfilling our God-given purpose.

Some of my best memories as a teen are of my friend, Mary, and I walking. We didn’t have a particular destination in mind most of the time; we simply enjoyed the journey. As we walked, we talked through our problems, laughed at our flaws, and cooed over the cute neighborhood boys. On some days our steps were guided by our adventurous nature. We would take a turn and walk down a road we weren’t familiar with, even if it seemed a little scary. On other days we dared not venture too far from home for fear of what or of whom we would encounter.

The path we take makes the difference. Just like the poet making the choice to take the road less traveled, we choose our journey to failure or success by whether we walk in unbelief and fear, or whether we walk in belief and faith.


Sometimes the path of belief and faith looks scary because few people have traveled it. But when we choose to trust God and not the circumstances, the scary path leads to abundant life in Him.

This week in our assignments, we’ll first learn about Abraham, who left his home and family to go to a land God prepared for him. Next, we’ll read about Joshua, who followed God’s directions to victory when he led the children of Israel into the Promised Land. Lastly, we’ll uncover David’s courage as he faced the giant, Goliath, in battle.

Assignment #1:

Abraham, known as the Father of our faith, heard the voice of the Lord and struck out not knowing where he was going or why. He simply heard the Lord calling him and he obeyed. In his sermon Abraham Believed God, A.B. Simpson, a Presbyterian pastor and founder of the Christian and Missionary Alliance writes:

”Taking [God] at His word, he stepped out from all that he knew and loved and went forth upon an unknown pathway with none but God.”

Read Genesis 12:1-7, Hebrews 11:8 and James 2:23, then consider the following:

  1. Did God tell Abraham where He was leading Him in Genesis 12:1? What action did Abraham take showing he believed God? How do you imagine it felt for Abraham and Sarah to leave home, not knowing exactly where they would be going?
  2. If you were in their shoes, how would you react if God asked you to leave your home, friends or career to go to an unfamiliar place among unfamiliar people? What quality do you think guided Abraham as he moved away from his home and his people?
  3. From the passages you read, did Abraham ever find a permanent dwelling in Canaan? Have you sunk deep roots into your current life situation? Do you think you would follow the example of Abraham if God asked you to pull up those roots and follow where He leads? According to Hebrews 11:10 where did Abraham see his resting place, the place he planted his roots, to be?
  4. In James 2:23 what term is used to describe Abraham and God’s relationship? What qualities do you look for in a friend? What qualities do you think God looks for?
  5. In Genesis 12:2-3 what promises did God make to Abraham? According to Hebrews 11:8-12 do you think God kept His promise? What promises has God made to you? Are you fearful in following God’s leading? Has God has asked you to change jobs and your finances say, “No”? Is He leading you to become involved in a community of believers, but you’re fearful of leaving the friends you’ve worshipped with for years? Is He desiring to work in the hearts of your husband or children, but you keep getting in the way because you’re worried you might lose them? What would you do differently if you fully believed God will keep His promises to you?

Assignment #2:

There are times when God may ask us to take on a task we feel ill-equipped to handle. We may be asked to teach a Bible study, or speak to a stranger about Jesus, or take in a child who has no family. God called Joshua to step into the shoes of a man who spoke with God face-to-face, Moses.

Moses saw God bring plagues against the Egyptians and then move the entire nation of Israel across the Red Sea on dry land. Yet later on, because of his unbelief, Moses never entered the Promise Land. He only viewed it from a distance. (See Deuteronomy 32:48-52.)}

Forty years after Moses led the Israelites to the brink of the Promised Land, God asked Joshua to lead them in. Read Joshua chapter 1, then 5:13-6:27.

  1. From Joshua 1:1-9, write out the verses where God tells Joshua be of “good courage.” What instructions followed those verses?
  2. What did Joshua tell the Israelites in Joshua 1:13 and Joshua 3:5? How does that correlate with what God told Joshua about being of “good courage” in Joshua 1:6-7?
  3. Look at Joshua 6:10. Why do you think God had Joshua command the Israelites not to say anything until they were told to shout? Do you think our words are important in overcoming fear? What are some words we may say that fuel our fears? What are some words we may use that feed our faith?
  4. How can you use these passages to prepare your heart to conquer your fears?
  5. This week note the times you use fearful, doubtful, or worrisome words in your conversations or thoughts. Then use the Bible study techniques we’ve learned so far to find passages in scripture that refute those thoughts or conversations.

Assignment #3:

In 1 Samuel 17, we find David about to face the giant, Goliath. Goliath was huge! Sometimes our fears seem huge and we quake in their presence. Fears like losing someone we love, failing as a parent, missing God’s calling and facing rejection. Our fears mock us as they hold us hostage to their abuse.

Sometimes our response to fear is like the Israelites’ response to Goliath. The soldiers were shaking in their boots as Goliath mocked them and their God. But when David heard Goliath’s bold speech, he fearlessly asked in verse 26, “Who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the living God?”sling shot

Read 1 Samuel 17:1-24, 32-37, and 45-51. Let’s discover the source of David’s courage.

  1. According to verse 37, who does David credit for delivering him from the lion and bear? What was David assured of if he faced Goliath in battle?
  2. When David faced Goliath on the battlefield, what did he say to the giant? Do you think David’s confidence was in his ability to defeat the giant?
  3. From these passages we sense David knew his God. What are some truths you know about your God? Make a list of these truths. Where are these truths found in scripture? Explain how you rely on these truths when you’re facing your fears?
  4. Verse map Psalm 139:5, Deuteronomy 3:22, Deuteronomy 33:26, and/or Psalm 33:20. How do these verses help you? Make a list of the giants (fears) you face.
  5. Going through your list and using God’s word and the truths you’ve learned about Him as weapons, what can you say to your giants to remind you God is fighting for you? What passages have you found to help build your confidence and give you strength to overcome your giants?

As you work through each assignment take a moment and comment about what you’re learning about overcoming fear. At the end of this week we will look at the Value of Fear.

I appreciate your feedback!

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